Get ready to be a Sweet Cupcake Maker!
Baking a cupcake is not as difficult as you imagine. Here Sweet Cupcake Maker teaches you how to make a sweet cupcake in a simple way. From choosing flavor to baking the cupcakes and adding toppings, you will have to design your own cupcake on your own. Lastly, you can even write your own message near your cupcake, too! Do not hesitate to be a sweet cupcake maker!
- App name: Sweet Cupcake Maker
- Designer: Isabell
- Download Sweet Cupcake Maker at:
- Google Play Store:
- Features:
1) Make cupcakes step by step.
2) lots of colorful fruits and decorations.
3) You can take a photo of your cupcake and share with your friends over Facebook, twitter, and email.